Reality by Dura

Reality : _There’s danger in focusing on the next person in your life. Our journeys are different. Our blessings or resources are different! Even if we’re born same womb, same day, we’re still gifted differently and that’s a fact. To put it more explicitly, to one He gave one talent, to another two and to another five. The Master, your Maker, expects a return on your talent/s! To spend your life wishing you had two or five is a crime on its own, NOT USING YOUR TALENT/ABILITY IS ANOTHER! Run your race, one talent or many, make the most out of it! No excuses, foolish excuses!_ FYI 1 talent was equivalent to 16 years labour! One talent is actually a gift of note! So are YOUR abilities, multiply them NOW, the Master will take stock ANY DAY!

QuoteBook _D.U.R.A_

